Thursday, May 22, 2008

entry 老大的入点

1。 好的买点会让你有很好的止损点和卖点
a. if a stock in stage one basing area, buy when it breaks out with volume. the closer to the pivot point the better.
if drops back 0ne to two points under your entry price cut it.
b. buy if it pulls back from a recent high. set a cut loss if it moves under its previous day's low or current day low.

2. 根据你的资金大小, 算出2%每笔可承担的损失。 算出你的进价点和止损点,based on these two prices, calculate how many shares you could buy.

3. if you have one point profit on paper, increase your cut loss to break even.

4. if you have a profit equal to your calculated loss, take half off the table and let the other half run. After that manage your positin and set a trailing stop. Never let a profit turn to a loss.

如果是长期投资可参照: IGNOR's rolling blades methods.
Example: I bought SPRD at $10. SPRD stared to drop, all the way to $7.
During that process, I bought more SPRD at $9, $8 and $7. But I didn't
simply hold on to all the shares. Whenever there's a rebounce, say to $7.5,
I sell the shares I bought at $7. I repeat this kind of buy low, sell
slightly higher many times, now ,y average cost of SPRD is below $8. Today,
SPRD close at $8.85.

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