Sunday, April 19, 2009


这个小方法来自俺发的一片文章. 有一定的风险性.

The Three Most Beautiful Words To A Call Writer...

by Old School Option

Three Most Beautiful Words to a call writer are “You’ve Been Assigned”.
When you’re assigned on your short options, the clearing firm or broker “closes” your position by offsetting with long stock, the covered call you sold short. It means the rate-of-return you were trying to capture, has in fact, been achieved.

For example, let’s go back to December 29, 2008. I purchased 200 shares of QCOM (Qualcomm) at $34.1678 per share for my own IRA account and simultaneously sold 2, January 35 calls for $1.23 each.

IF I was assigned today with the stock currently trading $35.14 it would mean the best possible outcome occurred. I made $.83 a share profit on 200 shares which is $166.00
($35- $34.1678 *200 shares; I have to sell the stock at $35.00 per the call sale) AND I made $123.00 dollars two times ($246) on the sale of the calls.

I personally don’t care that QCOM may rally to $55 or $65 a share in the future. All I know is that I made $412.00 dollars on a $6833.00 investment over the course of 19 days.

Throw those numbers in a calculator and you get a 6.0% rate of return in 19 days not including commissions and exchange fees. That’s 115% annualized. There’s no magic. No secrets. Completely transparent.

Now that’s Old School!



1. Screen

找到最近high volatility 的股票


2. 看有无破产危机

3. 价格
Last Trade: 6.26
Trade Time: 3:59pm ET
Change: Up 0.36 (6.10%)
Bid: 6.23 x 100
Ask: 6.40 x 100

4. OPTION 价格

CALL OPTIONS Expire at close Fri, May 15, 2009

Strike Symbol Last Chg Bid Ask Vol Open Int
2.50 MGMEZ.X 4.10 Up 0.19 3.60 3.80 57 937
4.00 MGMEH.X 2.75 Up 0.10 2.50 2.70 869 2,046
5.00 MGMEA.X 1.86 Down 0.14 1.85 2.00 1,915 10,661
6.00 MGMEF.X 1.40 Up 0.25 1.35 1.45 2,807 4,814
7.50 MGMEU.X 0.85 Up 0.15 0.85 0.95 4,176 8,322
9.00 MGMEI.X 0.55 Up 0.05 0.50 0.60 224 1,489
10.00 MGMEB.X 0.40 Up 0.10 0.35 0.40 503 2,434
12.50 MGMEV.X 0.22 0.00 0.15 0.25 434 1,471

5. 操作

buy 100 shares MGM -$626
sell 1 contract MGM may 7.5 Call + 85

6. 后续

五月MGM price 大于7.5

contract 执行 帐户资金 750+85=835 (不计手续费) 当月盈率 33.3%

五月MGM price 小于7.5
继续卖六月 7.5 Call

只要没有被卖出去,就继续卖7.5 call 直到执行。


卖2.5的call +410



资金 410+250=660 (不计手续费) 当月盈率 5.4% 也远远Beat CD

Hope you will like :)


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